Polymer Types |
ElastomersButyl Nitrile Silicone Polyisoprene Natural |
ThermoplasticsAcrylic Polycarbonate Acetal Nylon, Polyethylene Polypropylene PTFE ABS |
ThermosetsPhenolic Polyimides Polyvinyl Chloride Polyurethane |
When deciding which polymer to use, it’s important that we understand the application and cost structure of the design. Since the polymer chemical composition determines how they can be processed, we consider all aspects first before choosing an appropriate material. In some cases elevated thermal and electrical conductivity requirements can make plastics a challenge, however blended plastics are available if no other viable options fit the criteria.
• What is a product’s environment?
• Are there wear or friction in any components?
• Which processes require tooling?
Not sure which material is right for you? Just ask.